Frequently Asked Questions

Question: What Reverse SEO methods do you use to take down a website from the Google index?

Answer: We use various methods proven by our experience. Every single situation is different and sometimes we combine 3 or 4 different methods to achieve the goal, which is to de-index a website from the Google SERP (Serach Engline Results Page).
Question: How long does it take to de-index website from Google?

Answer: It varies, but usually within 15-20 days after we finish our work the targeted website is starting to lose positions in the Google index and it goes from page 1 to page 2, which already dramatically affects your competitors’ business. In 80% of the cases within 1 to 2 months the targeted website is completely going out of the top 100 Google search results. In another 10% of the cases it takes 3-4 months to completely deindex a website. We will let you know from the beginning approximately how much time it will take.
Question: How much it will cost me?

Answer: Again, it depends on the particular case. For example if you are in a local niche like rent-a-car and you want to take down your competitor Rent-a-car in Miami website it will cost you around 300$-400$ and the job will be done fast. But if your niche is global and difficult it can cost you up to 4000$-5000$. If we think that we cannot do the job, which is in around 10% of all cases will let you know before we start. Sometimes it is extremely difficult to deindex some websites (aged with very high authority) but in those cases we can do something different, we can ruin their online reputation. So send us a quote request and let us know what your case is. We are sure that we can find a solution.
Question: Is there any chance my competitor to find out that I have ordered de-indexation on their website?

Answer: There is no such possibility. This service is completely anonymous. No one will ever know that you have ordered such a service for your competitor’s websites. We don’t even need to know which one is your website, we don’t need to know who are you. We just need the website URL/s of your competitor.
Question: Can I de index not just one, but two of my competitors?

Answer: Sure, you can. It will take a bit more time, but it is possible.
Question: I want to de index him from Google and also I want to ruin his online reputation. Can you do that?

Answer: Yes, we also offer negative online reputation management. Let us know here what your case is and we will get back to you shortly.
Question: Is this legal?

Answer: We are not doing anything illegal. Also, all the things we do are highly anonymous and untraceable.

If you have a question that is not listed here, please contact us through our Contact form.